Thursday, September 17, 2020

Is Jumping Ship a Viable Solution?

Earlier this week, I heard the news that researchers found possible signs of life in Venus’ atmosphere. Whether or not there really are aliens on Venus is still unknown, but I am very excited to see what this finding will lead to. 

All of the talk about aliens this week reminded me of a conversation I had with my Grandpa when I was a kid. He was telling me about his hope that within my lifetime, scientists would find a way to build an earth-like atmosphere on Mars. My Grandpa, deeply concerned about the climate crisis, figured that this may be one way to save humanity should the earth become inhabitable in the future.

Several years later, I still hear people discussing this idea. As of right now, NASA says our technology isn’t nearly as advanced as it would need to be to pull it off. So, if it is going to happen someday, it may not be in my lifetime, after all. Of course, it may never even be possible beyond our imaginations.

But as each day passes by, we are losing our window of time to get ahead of this crisis. It is quite likely that we are already too late, although I would like to believe that we still have a shot at saving our planet. But at what point do we need to start looking for a new home, if we are unable to take care of our current one? When do we jump ship to save ourselves? 

I hope that our messaging never has to shift from preservation to abandonment. To me, it feels a lot like giving up, but it may be necessary as a last resort. What do you think? Is it a solution worth devoting our time and resources to, just in case?


Weekly Summary:

Sep 17: Wrote This Blog!

Sep 15: Comment on "Questions Sep 14-16"

Sep 15: Comment on "Questions Sep 14-16"

Grand Total: 20 points

1 comment:

  1. I think Carl Sagan's PBD still rings true. "The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand."
