Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Thoughts on Last Nights Debate

 Sadly, our world's environmental problems were not talked about much in last night's Presidential Debate.  It was referred to maybe once or twice, but was quickly redirected by President Trump to the cost of the Green New Deal. President Trump stated that the Green New Deal would cost 100 trillion dollars, this cost is more accurately presented as 50-90 trillion, but either way is a lot of money. However, Biden claimed that he would be implementing his plan not the Green new deal.  Which is a 10 year plan costing 1.7 trillion dollars, a considerable difference in price than the Green New Deal.  

This morning on twitter Trump reposted a tweet claiming that Biden does support the Green New Deal because of his statement on his website, 

"Biden believes the Green New Deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face. It powerfully captures two basic truths, which are at the core of his plan: (1) the United States urgently needs to embrace greater ambition on an epic scale to meet the scope of this challenge, and (2) our environment and our economy are completely and totally connected."

I think the important distinction in this statement is the word "framework" I believe that these two core truths are very important so it was necessary for Biden to cite where his ideas for his plan came from. In my opinion, the difference between these two candidates is professionalism.  Not only in giving credit where credit is due, but revering professional opinions on topics like environmental issues. President Trump seems to disregard the science behind environmental issues and even blamed the fires in California on not keeping the forests clean enough. I am not sure what exactly he meant by this but he quickly redirected blame onto California's care for their forests in last nights debate. 


  1. I think you made some really good points in your post. I think there is also key difference between these two candidates, apart from the obvious professionalism, is the lack of acknowledgement to the current climate crisis as you pointed out. Biden has a plan of some sort, or at least tried to talk about his plan before being interrupted, while Trump just complained about how much it costs without offering a plan in its place.

    Overall, I really enjoyed your post and agree with you. At this point we just have to hope for the best.

    1. We don't just have to hope, though living in a red state it does sometimes feel that way. But vote! Vote as if it was our last election. You never know...

  2. I begrudgingly watched the whole debate to ensure my knowledge of what is to be expected by these two candidates. I would like it to be known that I believe many of the memes regarding an argumentative nature are being represented by Trump supporters. I believe it is their way to blame both parties for what their leader was doing throughout the debate. I did not see Biden interrupting Trump, obviously he told him "shut up man" under his breath but only after Trump interrupted him countless times during something as sacred as a presidential debate. However I digress, I did listen to Biden speak about the Amazon rainforest and ways to create jobs and simultaneously conserve the forest. Also, I listened to Biden speak about creating 500,00 new electric car stations in the US and creating new jobs as well in this field. So I do believe there was talk of conservation. In regards to the covid-19 virus there were little to nop remarks of how to contain the virus.
