Tuesday, September 29, 2020

If Not Morality, How About Money?

Discussion Question: Which has a stronger appeal, morality or money? I want to draw your attention to an article in today’s NYT. The title: How Coal-Loving Australia Became a Leader in Solar/Embracing rooftop solar panels to save money, homeowners have made the country a powerhouse in renewable energy. It shows that people, with state (not federal) support, are supporting solar and reducing fossil fueled power usage, because, as one person put it, “People are doing that because they want to save money.” It’s economics; increase the cost of fossil fuel usage (a carbon tax), subsidize renewable energy production. 

Perhaps a little sign of hope?



  1. Whatever works. Maybe humans will eventually come to value "deep economy" and the understanding that long-term sustainability is ill-served by short-term profiteering, anti-communitarianism, and the quest for personal gain. In the meantime, let's make our money-lust work for and not against us.

  2. I think it might have a little to do with both. Simply put I feel like some people may do it because they truly believe it makes a difference and they themselves want to help in any way they can. I also think that there are people who may implement solar panels into their lives in order to save money. But in the long run they are helping out the environment too.

    So yes, I agree that it is a sign of hope. Whether they do it because they believe in helping the environment, or just because they need/want to save money where they can, or both, it has a positive outcome.

  3. That may be our best bet towards getting widespread adoption in the U.S. If one state heavily incentivizes rooftop solar for its citizens, and successfully implements it, other state governments will see the benefit, and may follow suit. If appeals to morality can't reach people, then appealing to their wallets may be the only way. A good testbed would probably be one of the western states like California or Arizona.
