Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Travis Scott Likes it, I Should too...Right?


  • What percentage of your diet would you estimate consists of "convenience foods"?  66 

    Ah convenience, THE AMERICAN DREAM! Well...maybe not. Fast food restaurants are a prime example of convenience.  All you have to do is drive up to the window and ask for food. Often times you do not even have to have those dreaded human interactions, you can order from your phone. It is easy, it is simple, and it is cheap if you know what to order. 

    Personally, I rarely, if ever indulge myself with these convenience foods.  When I do, I prefer Chick-fil-a. Other than that, I do not often eat from a fast food joints. However, life is hard! I just recently moved out of my parents house where my mother did most of the grocery shopping. (If you are thinking I was spoiled then you would be correct...). Upon moving out, I have realized how hard it is to get up and actually go to the grocery store by myself. I have noticed a surplus in "convenience foods" in my diet since moving out. Much of this relies on my Roommate and his love for Travis Scott. 

    If you have not heard, Travis Scott has partnered with McDonalds to make the "Travis Scott Meal", or as my roommate refers to it, the Travie Scottie. I believe that this pressure to eat convenience foods is not only because it is convenient or cheap. Often times, there is a sense of social pressure to do so. This can come from an endorsement by a very popular artist like Travis Scott, or it can come from a social experience like going to a friends house to watch a football game and ordering Buffalo Wild Wings as a finger food for the party. I would have never tried this meal if it were not for my roommate.  I believe this is ample evidence for my claim of partaking in convenience foods from social pressure

Homework: This post
Comments: Ed and Katheryn's posts


  1. I agree with you on a lot of things here...Chick-fil-a is my go to too! I also do hate Grocery shopping because I just do not know what I am supposed to get. It stresses and frustrates me, so my diet is not terrible, but I do go to these windows and order my food quite a bit. I feel like I definitely could reduce my percentage of my diet that is convenience food, but honestly life gets crazy and when I am out with people I really do feel like I get kind of peer pressured into eating with others.
    I think it has a lot to do with the word convenience, with the topic of public transport and commuting and having to go back-and-forth to things with our car. We just take the easy way out, instead of going home and cooking something for ourself.
    The fact that some convenience food gets cheaper and cheaper everyday, does not make it better.

    I do feel though, that it might be a generation problem as well, so I am hopeful that I will change my habits, when I have my own kitchen, have better means to buy better food and maybe in the far future have my own kids to feed. These are factors that I think play a big part, because healthy diet is definitely something that might be more of important to very young or older generations (not trying to generalise our generation but just trying to find a connection)

  2. I find it surprising that there are college students who don't eat fast food very often... I hate to admit it, but I eat convenience foods way too often. But finding time to grocery shop, find recipes, cook, and clean has proven difficult for me to do daily. I would love to start working on a better diet, as I go to the gym 5 times a week for a reason, haha.

  3. Don't you think you should boycott Chik-fil-a?

  4. I want to think that fast foods in the future will be abolished. I hope that someone can think of something someday that will get rid of the "convenience food" craze. I know that you can have meals shipped to your home that are microwavable dinners that are supposed to be moderately healthy but I cannot say so myself. Also I am aware however that these can be be pretty steep monetarily especially for a college student. I wish that someone could have some brand that would mass ship healthy food for cheap and students, elderly, and people on food stamps would have some added discount. No doubt big corporations such as McDonalds would have something to say.
