Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Alternative Questions to Ch. 10

1. The students of Bella Bella contemplated what such a spill (referencing the Exxon Valdez disaster) would mean on their coast. What realization did they come to if the sockeye salmon, a keystone species, were to be threatened?

2. In regards to the hearings concerning the Enbridge's Northern Gateway pipeline, what was it that shocked many of Bella Bella's residents other than the "weird and false accusations of violence"?

3. Klein describes the extraction jobs from the view points of the tar sands workers, saying that when they often discuss their time spend working in North Alberta, it is comparable to what?

4. Klein brings up the point of so called "battles" between corporations and communities, saying that they "seem to come to this stark choice: water vs. gas. Water vs. oil. Water vs. coal," and what has emerged in the movement is...?"

5. According to Klein, if the tar sand pipeline threatens to become an "artery of death,"due to the transportation of poisons across an estimated one thousand waterways, then what will occur?

6. Klein paraphrases The Guardian in saying that "extreme energy demands that we destroy a whole lot of the essential substance we need to survive --water--" just to do what?

7. Anni Vassiliou describes the backwards logic used by economic systems as "living in a upside down world." What is the backwards logic she is referring to?

8. Chinese peasants who rely on traditional subsistence activities like agriculture and fishing have a history of militant uprisings  against industrial projects that cause what?

9. Critics have been quick to point out that divestment won't bankrupt Exxon because if Harvard sells its stock, this will happen?

10. When it comes to fracking in particular, groups like the Environmental Defense Fund have pointedly not joined grassroots calls for drilling bans and a rapid shift to 100 percent renewables, but have instead done what?

11. Current trade and investment rules provide legal grounds for foreign corporations to fight virtually any attempt by governments to restrict the exploitation of fossil fuels, particularly when what occurs?

12. What does Klein say is the "very essence of self-determination?"


Klein brings up the question on page 361, saying "what is democracy if it doesn't encompass the capacity to decide, collectively, to protect something that no one can live without?" What does this say about the priorities of the people in comparison to those of corporations and why is it that money seems to dictate the power of action?

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