Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Soaring Ocean Temperature

Here's a link to an article in the Guardian about Soaring Ocean Temperature. It ties in with Klein's concerns.


  1. Wow! I knew that the ocean has a high thermal mass but I didn't imagine that it was buffering the temperature this much!

    "If the same amount of heat that has been buried in the upper 2km of the ocean had gone into the atmosphere, the surface of the Earth would have warmed by a devastating 36C, rather than 1C, over the past century."

    Thanks for sharing Don!!

  2. Wow! I knew that the ocean has a high thermal mass but I didn't imagine that it was buffering the temperature this much!

    "If the same amount of heat that has been buried in the upper 2km of the ocean had gone into the atmosphere, the surface of the Earth would have warmed by a devastating 36C, rather than 1C, over the past century."

    Thanks for sharing Don!!

  3. I think the headline of the article hit the nail right on the head. That, "Soaring ocean temperatures is the greatest hidden challenge of our generation". When we hear or study about climate change, in regards to the ocean we mostly hear about the melting of the ice caps and the damage the rising sea water will cause to the mainlands. However, something that isn't talked about enough is the impact it will have and is having on marine food production and the slippery slope that warming waters will set us on, such as the vast release of methane as the article talks about and the loss of biodiversity in the waters, ocean acidification etc. Its almost crazy that we let this issue seemingly slip under the rug if you will when talking about the downfalls from a result of climate change.

  4. I just posted a similar article. It amazes me how much heat and carbon the ocean absorbs. This should make us want to work ever harder to take care of our oceans.

  5. After reading this article, I realize how critical ocean acidification and the destruction of coral reefs is. I feel awful for my contribution to the emissions released into the atmosphere and absorbed by the ocean. It seems all the convenient sources I use are profligate and effecting every biological ecosystem on the planet.

    Thanks for posting this.

  6. After reading this article, I realize how critical ocean acidification and the destruction of coral reefs is. I feel awful for my contribution to the emissions released into the atmosphere and absorbed by the ocean. It seems all the convenient sources I use are profligate and effecting every biological ecosystem on the planet.

    Thanks for posting this.
