Thursday, September 22, 2016

Study guide

Quiz 1    
1. Why do we engage in ecological amnesia?

2. Who (besides politicians) can declare a crisis?

3. What target was agreed on at Copenhagen? What is projected by the World Bank, and by the IEA?

4. What habit of thought rules our era?

5. What kind of shift does Klein consider crucial to addressing "our problem"?

Quiz 2
1. What percentage of climate scientists have concluded that anthropogenic climate change is real?

2. What is the Heartland Institute devoted to?

3. What was Upton Sinclair's famous observation?

4. What is "green fascism"?

5. Who did Al Gore proclaim to have "the best green energy program" in North America?

6. What three "policy pillars" are incompatible with bringing emissions to safe levels?

7. What accounting system has created a distorted picture of the drivers of global emissions?

8. What logic, "even more entrenched than free trade," must be confronted if we're to have a chance of achieving lower emissions in time?

Quiz 3
1. What is Energiewende?

2. Within what time-frame did Jacobson and Delucchi conclude we could shift to renewables?

3. What percentage of profits did the Big Five oil companies devote to renewables in 2008?

4. What was missing from President Carter's famous "malaise" speech, according to Christopher Lasch?

Quiz 4
1. What has cut off the past and orphaned critical opinion in the present?

2. What stopped the President from seizing the moment of financial crisis to create a transitional climate opportunity?

3. How can natural gas serve as an effective short-term transition fuel?

4. How are the Canadian tar sands not like science fiction?

5. What do intelligent investors know about the results and commitments of U.N. climate summits?

6. What language has become foreign to a great many of us?

Quiz 5
1. What's the dominant conceptual model used by today's decision makers?

2. How does our culture rationalize drawing down finite resources without worrying about tomorrow?

3. Who's the patron saint of extractivism, and what's the ironic legend of his death?

4. Who calls coal a "natural sponge"?

5. What's the antithesis of extractivism?

6. Who advocated a "land ethic"?

Quiz 6
1. Who partnered in Texas to save a prairie chicken?

2. What's virtually impossible to do without taking money of questionable origin?

3. What was the "environmentalism of the poor"?

4. Who said "we should have tried to change the system and root causes"?

5. What environmental group partnered with Walmart?

6. What do we now know about fracking that weakens its case, compared to the early '90s?

7. How are some manufacturers gaming the carbon trading system?

8. What does Klein say the leader of the Environmental Defense Fund wants environmentalists to do more?

Quiz 7
1. What's Gaia Capitalism?

2. What should we remember about Noah's Ark?

3. What has Virgin Airways added to its fleet since Richard Branson's meeting with Al Gore?

4. How has air capture technology "morphed"?

5. What was Branson "onto," with his pledge, and what's the problem with it?

6. What's our most intoxicating narrative?

Quiz 8
1. With what Jane Austen-inspired metaphor does Klein describe the work of the Chicheley Hall retreat?

2. What kind of wave might ensue, if we ever stopped blocking the sun?

3. Why is Frankenstein a terribly poor metaphor for geoengineering?

4. What kind of stories do we need, according to Klein, instead of visions of a space-faring human future?

Quiz 9
1. Where is Blockadia?

2. What stopped the Russian government from prosecuting Arctic Sunrise protesters as pirates?

3. What's Blockadia's simple principle?

4. Oilwatch International leads a global movement to do what?

5. What's the Catch-22 of fossil fuels?

6. What was the Halliburton Loophole?

7. What was the most disliked industry in America in 2013?

8. What does Wendell Berry say it would take to eliminate sacrifice zones and ecological crises?
Ch 10
1. Why was the engagement of Bella Bella's students in opposition to the Northern Gateway pipeline a "big deal"?

2. What do extractive industries like Arch Coal not "get"?

3. How much water does it take to produce a barrel of tar sands oil?

4. Why do Chinese environmentalists "thank smog"?

5. What movement has the Sierra Club belatedly joined?

6. What are Transition Towns?

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