Friday, September 9, 2016

Chap 6 "Fruits, not Roots" questions

Don Enss

Chapter 6:

1.      Words do matter. How was the 2003 pledge by The Nature Conservancy worded to justify their continued extraction of hydrocarbons?

2.      What is a painful reality behind the environmental movement’s catastrophic failure to effectively battle the economic interests behind soaring emissions?

3.      Name four green movement groups that don’t take donations from polluters and are fighting against polluters’s wrong doings around the globe.

4.      Where does the financial ties between funders and public interest work become relevant?

5.      In all, twenty-three federal environmental acts became law over the course of the 1970s alone. List just five Acts.

6.      How did Fred Krupp change EDF’s goals?

7.      What is the most important preservation work that any environmental group can do?

8.      What was the mantra of the early ecologist?

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