Saturday, September 3, 2016

When I read Klein's remark about the governments of Ontario and India planning for jobs, ("These governments are saying to industry: we will support you, but only if you support the communities from which you profit, by providing well-paying local jobs, and sourcing your products locally), I couldn't help but see something that I had not previously considered about why some companies so vehemently defend capitalism / the free market. It seems to me that they always "trust in the infinite wisdom of the free market" because it gives them a scapegoat for their greed. When presented with countless problems such as climate change, poverty, hunger, etc. they can simply throw their hands up and say "Hey it's not my fault; this is just how the free market works!" Instead of facing the truth, which is that they are taking advantage of people who are less fortunate and much more vulnerable, they can feel better about their predatory business practices by just chalking it up to the free market.

I believe that Klein is right: businesses should have an obligation to take care of the communities that allow them to exist in the first place, whether that community is a small village, a city, or an entire country or planet!

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