Friday, September 9, 2016

Quiz Sep13


1. Who partnered in Texas to save a prairie chicken?

2. What's virtually impossible to do without taking money of questionable origin?

3. What was the "environmentalism of the poor"?

4. Who said "we should have tried to change the system and root causes"?

5. What environmental group partnered with Walmart?

6. What do we now know about fracking that weakens its case, compared to the early '90s?

7. How are some manufacturers gaming the carbon trading system?

8. What does Klein say the leader of the Environmental Defense Fund wants environmentalists to do more?


  • COMMENT: "Coal isn't the enemy. Carbon emissions are." 191
  • What kind of political leadership would it take to bring back the heady days of environmental bipartisanship? 202 Are there any Stewart Udalls in the wings? Or can the grassroots movement force bipartisanship?
  • What didn't Ronald Reagan understand about trees? 203
  • Can we pick the low-hanging fruit AND dig up the roots? 223
  • If you're unwilling to take on the oil companies, does that make you a non-environmentalist? 223

The Video Project
  • Post some lines of dialogue for our would-be viral video. If enough of us choose to participate, we'll spend class-time on this. Our goal is to finish by Sep.21, before the first debate. Participants will be rewarded with some extra runs on the scorecard.
If you missed Don's email:

...we thought it might be better to just concentrate on the issue of climate change and take any partisanship out of the picture, so we won't include any political leaders. When you're drafting your scripts think of what it will mean to you and your children, if you have any now or in the future,  or other children and raise you concerns about what is going on. And some of you may want to include some positive suggestions for example economic benefits to rural Americans on having their own co-ops - that's a win-win for all of us. Terms like steward-ship, taking care of our home, leaving it better for the next generation may be something that you want to incorporate in your scripts. (Again, it's just a draft so it doesn't need to be perfect, but try to make it fit you and your personality and something you could comfortably say).

Here is my script and as I mentioned, I will be the bad guy in this video. If I do it well, I will be a very disliked person, but then if it helps the country, I can live with the abuse.

Interviewer: Sir, do you have a moment for a question?

Me: Sure, but make it quick.

Interviewer: Are you worried about how our climate is changing?

Me: No!

Interviewer: So you don't believe the climate is changing?

Me: Of course it's changing, it's hot as hell right now so would you mind if we step into the shade. (move to the shade, pause). But worried about it no. Look if I'm lucky I've got ten years to live and I can find air conditioned places in that time, so it's not my problem.  When I was young I had to live under the threat of nuclear annihilation, let today's young people live under the threat of climate annihilation. It'll be good for them, build their character.

Interviewer: But aren't you worried about the sea level rising and parts of the United States going underwater.

Me: Hey, they should of thought of that when they bought waterfront property (sinister laugh). Look, I live in Tennessee and if the entire state of Florida and most of the east coast went under water, I wouldn't lose any sleep. In fact, my property value would rise. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to find some air-conditioning.

Interviewer: Thank you sir

Yours doesn't need to be that long, but hopefully, I can set the stage for some of you and Dr. Oliver in your scripts to challenge my cynicism and hypocrisy. 

Also, some of you might want to consider coming up as a pair. One says something and they other agrees and elaborates or questions.

The student interviewed after me might want to begin their comment with "Wow! What a jerk!" You'll be the heroine or hero to the viewers.
Let's have some fun with this. Who knows, maybe it'll make a difference beyond the intrinsic satisfaction of creativity in a good cause.

Reality Drop (@RealityDrop)
“There’s no conflict between a healthy economy and a healthy planet.” - @POTUS #ClimateHope


  1. Coal is the enemy because it is a major producer of carbon emissions. Carbon emissions are also the enemy but most of these emissions come from the burning of coal.

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